
um. I have a new blog.

You know you have too many blogs when you can't list them without looking at your blogger dashboard to make sure you're remembering them all. So I decided to consolidate all of my blogs (except for Spiffy, which I co-edit) into one blog. The other ones are still going to be updated independently, but I'm going to be re-posting them on Scathingly Brilliant.

Scathingly Brilliant is sort of like a Kate-blog-reader. If you like all of my many blogs (see list on the right sidebar) you can just follow this one, where all of my many blog posts are consolidated into one website. It's also nice for me, so that I don't have to list all of my blogs and shops and links on every website -- I can just point everyone there, and that's that.

Also, since the new blog doesn't have one single theme or purpose, you will find random things that have nothing to do with movies, flappers, artwork, grapefruit juice or Dirk Bogarde, in addition to the imported posts from my other blogs. I know what you're thinking. "Does Kate ever actually think about anything other than movies, flappers, artwork, grapefruit juice or Dirk Bogarde?" Why yes, I do. In fact, I spend a good deal of time thinking about cats, unicorns, potatoes, vegetarian recipes, getting the mail, music, my new favorite obsession, nutella, and much more!

Making a new blog because I have too many.
It might sound crazy, but I hope this made some sense.