
Playing Grown up & Modish

Yesterday Brooke from Playing Grown Up featured an interview with me and lots of my flapper doodle drawings on her blog! The interview questions are so cute, based entirely around the principle of staying young at heart when you start growing up. You can click here to read it (along with one of my answers detailing my fun childlike birthday parties I have every year!)

And, I have no clue how I found this (or how I missed it in the first place) but Eloise & Ramona were on Modish in May! Wow!! They are superimposed over a festive background for Cinco de Mayo, which is slightly strange, but just being featured was a nice surprise! :)

I'm really under the weather right now (I was allergic to a medication, and then the medicine they gave me to relieve the allergy sparked yet ANOTHER allergic reaction!) so I haven't felt much like drawing or even doing any posts the last two days. I'm going go try to work a little tonight to take my mind off how I feel, but I might not post again until the end of the week. But I hope everyone else is having a lovely week!